LICEO SCIENTIFICO “E.MAJORANA” is a secondary general school and our students range from 14 to 19 years old. It is located in a town with 17.000 inhabitants, surrounded by four other similar towns, where most of our students originate from. Scordia is an agricultural centre with one of the most important intensive citrus industries in Italy.
The school is the only government institute of the town and represents a point of reference, a centre of ferment of the social and cultural comparisons of the district. Participating in the activities of this project makes it possible to know and evaluate a civilization, a different cultural reality and to develop a spirit of tolerance.
The cooperation, among teachers of several different subjects, besides language teachers, is also a fundamental element. The work to be developed along the project will be part of the normal school activities.
In this way it will be possible for other teachers to be informed about it and they will be able to evaluate it. It won’t be only known by the directly participating teachers. The project will encourage students and teachers to work in innovative and creative ways.
Il Vulcano Etna, visto da Scordia.
A view of the Etna Volcano from Scordia